The first couple of pages hopefully gives my reader some good idea of my beliefs, intentions and, good reasoning for just my writings alone. Just a few of the bad things that I had no control over, that I personally have dealt with through my experiences, I could either name a 100 reasons that I could blame my unfortunate life on or I could name a 100 reasons why I should show Gratitude. I will say that the three year marriage to Kenny, aka " The Man Of Steal", as bad as it was for me Physically and Mentally he ought to feel lucky that he is still living. He taught me just what I would accept or allow to continue in my own Life. Because he was such a heartless and ruthless coward I am a strong & courageous Woman today. Now, he is not getting all the credit especially when he is due none...He was just a bigger player in the Poker Game Of Life, or so he thought he was.
I have many things in my life that I am very Grateful for and realize that we have to take the good with the bad being able to maintain our lives through all fortunate and unfortunate times. Regardless when there is negative forces in our life there is also positive coming from that negative. Know how to look for the Positive in any situation instead of dwelling on the negative. -Lisa Wallace-
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