Where to go from here

Breaking the Chains that had Us bound!
Over the past four months I have gained knowledge and a whole new perspective to how things work and to why. Some things I wish personally that I did not come across but understand them to there entirety. As some of the knowledge I now retain is still confusing I also understand it as much as it is confusing. I set out to research the laws and the way they are to function.
All I want to do is to be able to give back and to bring awareness to much needed topics in our society today. I don't want to be rich in money but rich in expertise instead. 
I am a recovering drug addict since February of 2006. It was not until July of 2009 that I was lodged in the United States Department of Corrections as Ky inmate number 230373.
While the 2 long years spent inside the walls of corrections I did learn many things, most importantly about myself. A very long and tedious process that will continue for the rest of my life. I was enrolled in the SAP program. A program that I feel is a very important process in recovery and rehabilitation. Little did I know at the time how much this would affect my future.
I have always, from day one accepted accountability for my actions (choices). I am responsible for any choices that I make not anyone else, therefore, one cannot lay blame of their own actions onto someone or something else. Trust me I have been put to the test through many trials and tribulations in  my life from the time I was born to present. Most people by now would have given up, myself, on the other hand refuses to give up because I know that there has to be away.....
What is the way and how does one find it? I believe through the power of knowledge.
I have always been a Rebel child. I could never accept because I said so or just because. I want to know who gives the authority to say so, why, and to how it works. I found the answers to my questions. God! Yes he has the entire world in his hands. God is nothing more than a Higher Power and the way I understand that Higher Power to be. Just as in the 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous.
I have been aware of the Na program for many years and have even worked all of the steps prior too today. Today as I re work these steps I can say that I absolutely 100 percent understand every single word of the program and ow it works. I agree with the program and everything that they stand for. I am a member of Narcotics Anonymous and many other organizations affiliated. I am currently working on a local area group Audacious Faith and this is a group that I have signed up and registered with NA, I am currently asking for volunteers and participants to get this group started and on our way to doing great things in our local communities. 
Our group will also be doing fundraiser events to provide for people in our community that may be in need. We will be doing clothing, food, donations, and so much more through this group. I have many program ideas in place and activities to get all involved, If interested please contact me.
Where Audacious Faith goes from here is up to the community.


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